Superhero Films


What are your favorites? Which ones can you not wait to see?

I love X-Men and The Avengers. It's cool when all the superheroes come together and fight for a purpose.


Staff member
I like Superman and to a lesser extent, Batman. I haven't gotten into the other ones.

Anyway, Superman is way interesting because of his power, his humility, his love for humans and his weakness, Kryptonite.

The Superman storyline and characters are awesome also.

charming primrose

New member
X-Men are superior. Or shall I say, homo superior. I'll see myself out


These days I do not watch a lot of superhero movies as I am tired of seeing repetition in the movies, these movies do not have anything to offer except CGI. However, in the past, I used to watch a lot of superhero movies, and I liked batman and Hulk very much.
I'm quite tired of Marvel and DC is just a lost puppy with billions of dollars at this point. I would love a new universe to kick off as Marvel is so intertwined with like 50 movies now, it is too much.